The power this game holds lies within its ability to inextricably market ambiguity along with the allure of exploring seemingly infinite amounts of planets. Sean Murray’s promise of never ending game content and hours of exploration is what has driven the hype behind No Man’s Sky parallel to the allure of discovering what lies at the center of the galaxy.

Hello Games is the underdog of indie gaming in an AAA dominated market. In an AmA over on Reddit yesterday, Sean Murray discussed the development of the game. Pertaining to whether or not the developers kept an eye on /r/nomansskythegame, Murray stated:

Obviously, a lot of work and an insurmountable amount of time has gone into carefully crafting this game, and a lot is riding on its reception following today’s release. Besides the mental toll No Man’s Sky has taken on Murray and his time, he’s discussed how without the support of the community, the project would not have survived.

Ideally, he would have wanted to develop the game secretly to create a scenario where Hello Games could have announced No Man’s Sky one day and released the next. That is to say; its success is reliant on the symbiotic relationship Murray and Hello Games have cultivated with their consumer base.

Sony, the front-runner for this game, was only involved as far insomuch as marketing, but otherwise, as Murray states:

Should Hello Games’ efforts prove successful, then the relationship between indie developers and major publishers completely change. It would open the door to more creative, diverse, and consumer-driven IPs creating a more consumer-driven market catered to niche tastes and unique titles.