Along with this, Twitch will also be updating their rules of conduct to allow everyone a “safe, welcoming, and inclusive” environment. The ROC will be changed to read that all AO games will be banned, instead of just Twitch just naming off certain titles.

There are very few titles that hold the rating of an adult only game. However it is very unlikely that an AO game could hold an audience, being that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is the only title that comes into most people’s minds. With that said, this is a step toward Twitch being more of a friendly website and avoiding any unwanted attention in the future, as it becomes more popular with the higher amounts of underaged children being attracted to the site.

This announcement comes before the release of the game Hatred, which is sure to have plenty of controversy surrounding it, given that it is a game about killing innocent victims. Furthermore, most fans in forums and comment sections are fine with the idea, as a lot of them probably couldn’t name more than two games off the meager list.

No More Streaming Adult Only Games on Twitch   Grand Theft Auto  San Andreas   Hatred - 80