Gender matters in this story

During an interview with the game director, Hiromasa Shikata, it was stated that this team based three-player Zelda game will not support the option of switching genders due to the storyline. IGN posed the question of playing as a woman in Tri-Force Heroes during E3 2015, and Shikata revealed some of the story in his explanation

The game’s story begins in a kingdom in which the ruler calls for heroes to step forth onto a journey, and Link volunteers his efforts. Since Link is prominently a male character within the game, the option of gender switching isn’t given as the story revolves around him. 

This lack of gender options could rattle some feathers within the gaming community. There are, however, some feminine customization options within Tri-Force Heroes, which includes dressing Link in Princess Zelda’s wardrobe. 

“And in that, they are male characters. So, because the game is set with that as the story background, you cannot choose a gender; you are a male character.” - Hiromasa Shikata, E3 2015

Shikata defended the new installment by identifying how many of their female employees are fond of the game already.

Hopefully when Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes releases this fall on the Nintendo 3DS, many gamers can identify and also become “emotionally invested” in the game. If you’re more interested in the new game, you can view my earlier article that gives a larger insight to the gameplay and specifics.

“It doesn’t seem to be a big issue to them. They still are getting emotional investment in this game.”

“[These aren’t] the most masculine of guys in the world.” - Hiromasa Shikata, E3 2015