Developed by Eos, a one-man company founded by William Spracklin, the VirtuaDolls controller features a specially sized hole in a motorized hunk of silicon that can simulate a variety of different motions. It also has sleeve options, a vacuum addition, and various-skin colored exterior coatings. The controller even comes with its own starter game, Girls of Arcadia, which has you saving a woman in peril, or just jumping right ahead to “sim” mode.

The device will also sync up with VR video pornography too, so you can become more immersed in the scenes than ever before.

The developer is looking for $20,000 in funding, and it’s offering the VirtuaDolls controller at just shy of $200 each. The developer hopes to bring in enough money to expand the development team so there is more compatible content. It will also need upfront funds for manufacturing costs.

Although you don’t need a headset to experience it, VR compatibility will be limited to the Oculus Rift CV1 headset on the PC, and only Unreal Engine games and experiences will be compatible at launch. However, the developer does plan to make it possible to use the HTV Vive, OSX, and Unity3D as well. If stretch goals are met, Android, iOS, and Google Cardboard will also be supported.

The VirtuaDolls controller will ship in June 2016 – unless you want a developer version, and then you can get hold of it by March.

What do you think of this kind of controller? Is it just a matter of time before porn takes over the VR market? Let me know in the comments!