Father John Bok was headed to Mass on Oct. 2 when his 2014 Hyundai Sonata was almost hit by an airborne SUV, the minister said in a post on The Franciscan Monks’ site.


The Franciscan cleric, 87, told the Catholic News Organization that he was approaching St. Andrew Ward in Milford around 8:40 a.m. at the point when a young fellow dropped in the driver’s seat after supposedly having a seizure. He let the power source know that the other driver’s vehicle went rough terrain and was on course to slam its front into Bok’s driver-side entryway.

Notwithstanding, the other man’s vehicle then bounced a control and got through a yard as it barreled toward Bok’s vehicle, the cleric said.

Bok, 87, told the Catholic News Office that “it’s a wonder” he made due. Film of the occurrence, shared by the “We Are Franciscans” YouTube page, shows the casualty’s vehicle strike a shaft before it dispatches over the other moving vehicle. “I didn’t realize that that vehicle went over top of me,” Bok, a previous physical science educator, purportedly told the Catholic News Organization. “I was looking forward and it was to one side or more.”

“I thought perhaps it was an enormous bird or something and progressed forward with my method for having the Mass,” the cleric wrote in his post. Sometime thereafter, Bok composed that the child of a close by memorial service mortgage holder, who is likewise a cop, showed him the recording of his near disaster. “I was unable to accept what occurred,” the cleric composed.

The kid was moved to a medical clinic and made due, Bok said in his post. It is muddled what wounds, if any, the kid endured because of the accident.

Bok, then again, left the episode solid. He said he is “unquestionably appreciative to God.”

“For what reason was the shaft remaining in that definite spot joined to nothing?” he wrote in his post on The Franciscan Monks site.

“By what laws of material science did it lift the kid’s vehicle very nearly 5 feet in the air and send it over my vehicle? Such countless inquiries.”