OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes is an action-comedy animated series that has gone through nearly its whole first season on Cartoon Network at time of writing, with a second season on the way, and indie developer Capybara games has been working on the game’s development since before the show even aired. While the show began development, so did the game, and creative members of both OK K.O.!’s crew – including show creator Ian Jones Quartey – and Capybara Games corresponded back and forth frequently in order to ensure that the game represented the show faithfully.

The game is equal parts action-RPG, beat-em-up, and adventure game, with Quartey and other major writer/director for the show Toby Jones citing games such as the Persona series and Viewtiful Joe as major inspirations. These are apparent as you play as K.O. wandering Lakewood Plaza Turbo and talking to characters from the show, beating up enemies like Lord Boxman’s many robots, and leveling up as you go. Capybara and Quartey have said before that they want to make a game that represents the show well, and they had considered Capybara among their top choices for developers to work with, having loved their work on games like Super Time Force and Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP.

The game will be coming to PS4, Xbox One, and Steam, and Ian Jones Quartey has advised fans that a Switch port may be in the cards for later if the game sells well enough.

OK K.O.! Let’s Play Heroes has no official release date as of yet but is said to be “coming soon” to PS4, Xbox One, and Steam.